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Process Dashboards and Monitors

Process Dashboard

The Process Dashboard lists out the current Top Grouped Processes in various aspects. The list of Processes displayed is as per the Dashboard type. The Global Process Dashboard shows the Top Processes across all the hosts. The Cluster Process Dashboard will show the Top Processes within the selected cluster while the Host Process Dashboard will show the Top Processes within the selected host.

Process Dashboard

The Grouped Processes are displayed as per the following categories :

  • Processes with Issues (Processes States Severe or Bad)

  • Processes with top CPU Utilization

  • Processes with top Memory RSS Utilization

  • Processes with top CPU, Memory and IO Delays

  • Processes with top Network Traffic

The Process Dashboard is auto-updated every 20 sec. The statistics displayed help the user to narrow down to any Process Issue or monitor the overall states.

Drilldowns are available on clicking on any Process Table Row.

Process State Monitor

The Process Monitor is used to graphically monitor the statistics of a specific Grouped Process either in real time or for historical time periods.

Process State Monitor


The backend servers update the Process states every 5 to 15 sec depending on the Process activity. The Process states can be queried using REST APIs using /v1/extprocstate route.

Process Network Flow Dashboard

The Process Network Flow Dashboard lists out all the currently active Network connections for the specific Groouped Process.

Process Network Flow Dashboard

The above snapshot shows all services / processes with active connections from and to the Process selected (i.e. metrics-server in the snapshot above).