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Gyeeta Query Data Types and Filters

Data Types supported

Gyeeta queries and responses are in JSON format. The following JSON field types are supported :

  • String
  • Numeric
  • Boolean
  • Object
  • Array

String Data Type

String Data Types include all UTF8 strings and single characters. Examples : "This is a string". Fields which are JSON Arrays and Objects are internally stored as Strings as well.

Numeric Data Types

Numeric Data Types include both integral and floating point numbers. Examples include : 10, 3.1, 3.14159

Boolean Data Type

Boolean Data Types can have only 2 possible values : true or false. Boolean values must not be enclosed within quotes.


Time fields are a special type in Gyeeta. Time fields are specified as Strings but support some Numeric Operations such as >, <, =, !=, +, -

Query Filter Types

Gyeeta Query Filters are of 2 types :

  • Pre-Aggregated Filters
  • Post-Aggregated Filters

All filters (except query time range) that are to be applied to the raw resultset without any aggregation are specified within the Pre-Aggregated Filters.

All filters that are to be applied after aggregation are specified within the Post-Aggregated Filters. Post-Aggregated filters must not be specified if Aggregation is disabled within a query.

Both these filters are to be specified as JSON Strings. A sample REST API query in JSON format showing both the filters specified is show below :

"starttime": "2022-07-01T19:37:04+05:30",
"endtime": "2022-07-01T20:07:04+05:30",
"timeoutsec": 500,
"options": {
"maxrecs": 10000,
"aggregate": true,
"aggrsec": 18000,
"aggroper": "sum",
"filter": "{ cluster ~ 'prod.*' }",
"aggrfilter": "( { svcissue > 0 } or { sererr > 0 } )"

"filter" field refers to the Pre-Aggregation filter and "aggrfilter" field refers to Post-Aggregation filter.

The query time range (starttime & endtime) is specified outside of the Pre-Aggregation filters for faster dataset filtering.

Query Filter Format

The Query filters mentioned above have a certain structure that is required by Gyeeta.

Query Criteria

Each filter clause is termed as a Criterion. For example, above specified aggrfilter has 2 criteria : "svcissue > 0" and "sererr > 0".

Each criterion needs to be enclosed in braces as in { svcissue > 0 }. Multiple criteria can be specified along with a mix of and or or conditions.

When a mix of and and or conditions is to be specified, the criteria need to be enclosed by parenthesis. For example :

( { name ~ '^[mnp]+' } and ( { nqry5s > 0 } or { cpudelus > 0 } ) )

The filter above will be expanded by Gyeeta internally as :

( { name ~ '^[mnp]+' } and { nqry5s > 0 } ) or ( { name ~ '^[mnp]+' } and { cpudelus > 0 } )

Even more advanced filters are possible with multiple and and or criteria. For example,

( ( { host substr 'prod' } or { cluster ~ 'cl[5-9].*' } ) and { svcid = '8e4343f0702963a4' } and ( { p95resp5s < resp5s } or { kbin15s + kbout15s > 1 } ) )

Filter Comparison Operators

The following Comparison Operators are supported :

=, !=Equal, Not EqualValid for all Field Data types. For String fields Case Sensitive. e.g. { numfield = 3 } or { strfield = 'test string' }
<, >, <=, >=Less Than, Greater ThanValid for Numeric Data Types (as well as Time fields). e.g. { numfield > 3 }
~, like, ~=, =~Regex Like OperatorCase Insensitive Regular Expression like Operator valid for String fields. e.g. { strfield ~ 'myreg.[123]' }
!~, notlikeRegex Not Like OperatorCase Insensitive Regular Expression not like Operator valid for String fields. e.g. { strfield !~ 'myreg.[123]' }
substrSubstring OperatorCase sensitive Substring Operator valid for String fields. e.g. { strfield substr 'mysubstring' }
notsubstrNot Substring OperatorCase sensitive Not Substring Operator valid for String fields. e.g. { strfield notsubstr 'mysubstring' }
inList In OperatorComma separated List Equality Operator for Strings and Numeric Types. Case sensitive for String fields. e.g. { strfield in 'str 1','str 2','str 3' }
notinList Not In OperatorComma separated List Inequality Operator for Strings and Numeric Types. Case sensitive for String fields. e.g. { strfield notin 'str 1','str 2','str 3' }

As seen from above, within a Filter expression, all strings must be within single quotes as in : { strfield = 'test str' }

Filter Field Expressions

The filter field can have mathematical operators added for Numberic Field types. For example,

{ numfield1 + numfield2 > 10 }, or { numfield1 * 10 > 300 } or { numfield1 % 3 > 1 }

The filter field can also be compared to another field within the same subsystem. This is valid for all Field Types.

For example,

{ strfield != strfield2 }

{ numfield1 + numfield2 > numfield3 }`

{ numfield1 > numfield2 * 10 }