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Madhava Intermediate Server Configuration

Madhava is Gyeeta's Intermediate server. One or more Madhava instances serve as the Intermediate servers to which all the monitored Hosts Partha instances will communicate with.

Madhava Servers will also connect to Shyama server and other Madhava instances in a mesh style network.

Madhava server reads its configuration from a JSON file or as environment variables. Environment variables will take precedence over the config file in case of a conflict.

A sample Madhava JSON config file is given below.

The list of Config options include :

Listen Port

By default, Madhava will listen on TCP port 10038. The JSON field for the Listen Port is named listener_port. The corresponding environment variable is CFG_LISTENER_PORT.

This field is mandatory.

Madhava Name

Each Madhava server is associated with its unique name. This name is also the DB name to be used in PostgresDB.

The field value must begin with the keyword madhava (For example, madhava1).

The JSON field name is madhava_name and corresponding environment variable is CFG_MADHAVA_NAME.

This field is mandatory and max madhava name length is 64 bytes.

Shyama Hosts

This config param indicates the list of hostnames of the Shyama instances. The format of this param is a JSON array of one or more Shyama hostnames or IP addresses.

This param is to be used along with Shyama Ports to indicate the Shyama servers.

If multiple Shyama instances are running due to High Availability, the number of elements in the JSON array will be more than 1. Under such cases, the Madhava instance will try connecting to only the Active Shyama instance (Other instances being the Passive instances).

The JSON field name is shyama_hosts and corresponding environment variable is CFG_SHYAMA_HOSTS.

This field is mandatory.

The Hostnames or IP Addresses mentioned in this option must be same as the Shyama Server Service Hostname.

Example usages :

[ "shyamahost1.local" ] : Here a single instance of Shyama is specified.

[ "shyama1.local", "" ] : Here 2 instances of Shyama are running in Active Passive mode.

Shyama Ports

This config param indicates the list of TCP ports of the Shyama instances. The format of this param is a JSON array of one or more Shyama TCP ports.

This param is to be used along with Shyama Hosts to indicate the Shyama servers. The number of elements in this JSON array must match the number of elements specified in Shyama Hosts.

The JSON field name is shyama_ports and corresponding environment variable is CFG_SHYAMA_PORTS.

This field is mandatory.

The TCP Ports mentioned in this option must be same as the Shyama Server Service Port.

Example usages :

[ 10037 ] : Here a single instance of Shyama is specified.

[ 10037, 10037 ] : Here 2 instances of Shyama are running in Active Passive mode.

Shyama Secret

This is the configured Shyama secret phrase to be used to authenticate connecting Madhava instances.

The JSON field name is shyama_secret and corresponding environment variable is CFG_SHYAMA_SECRET.

This field is mandatory.

Service Hostname

This indicates the Domain Name or IP Address that other components such as Partha Host Agents, Node Webserver and other Madhava instances will use to connect to this Shyama instance.

In most instances this would be the Hostname of the Madhava server. But in cases where Virtual IP/Hostname/ NAT Translation is applicable such as Kubernetes, this would be the Virtual IP or Service Hostname.


The Madhava instance must be accessible to the Partha Host Monitor Agents and the Node Webserver through this Service Hostname / IP. In case multiple Network Regions are active and multiple Madhava instances are assigned say one per Network Zone/Region, it is preferable though not mandatory that VPC Network Peering or some other such mechanism be active so that Madhava instances in other regions can connect to this Madhava instance in a mesh network topology.

The JSON field is service_hostname and environment variable is CFG_SERVICE_HOSTNAME.

This field is mandatory.

Service Port

This indicates the TCP Port that other components will use to connect to this Shyama instance.

In most instances this would be the Listener Port of the Shyama server. But in cases where Virtual Port or NAT Translation is applicable such as Kubernetes, this would be the Service Port.

The JSON field is service_port and environment variable is CFG_SERVICE_PORT.

This field is mandatory.

Postgres Hostname

This indicates the Domain or IP address of the Postgres DB to be used by this Madhava instance.

The JSON field is postgres_hostname and environment variable is CFG_POSTGRES_HOSTNAME.

This field is mandatory.

Postgres Port

This indicates the TCP port of the Postgres DB to be used by this Madhava instance.

The JSON field is postgres_port and environment variable is CFG_POSTGRES_PORT.

This field is mandatory.

Postgres User

This indicates the Postgres Username to be used by this Madhava instance. In most cases, this value would be postgres.

The JSON field is postgres_user and environment variable is CFG_POSTGRES_USER.

This field is mandatory.

Postgres Password

This indicates the Postgres User Password to be used by this Madhava instance.

The JSON field is postgres_password and environment variable is CFG_POSTGRES_PASSWORD.

This field is mandatory.

Postgres Storage History # Days

This indicates the number of days of DB Hostory to be kept.

The JSON field is postgres_storage_days and environment variable is CFG_POSTGRES_STORAGE_DAYS.

This field is optional and default is 3 days.

Cloud Operator Type

This field indicates the Cloud Operator this Madhava instance is running on. This is needed to get the Network Region and Zone.

Currently supported Cloud Operator Metadata collection are : aws, gcp and azure.

For other Cloud Operators or in case of own data centers, this field should be ignored.

The JSON field is cloud_type and environment variable is CFG_CLOUD_TYPE.

This field is optional.

Network Region Name

This field must be used only if the preceding Cloud Operator type is empty. This field indicates the Network Region Name this Madhava host is operating under.

The JSON field is region_name and environment variable is CFG_REGION_NAME.

This field is optional.

Network Zone Name

This field must be used only if the preceding Cloud Operator type is empty. This field indicates the Network Zone Name this Madhava host is operating under.

The JSON field is zone_name and environment variable is CFG_ZONE_NAME.

This field is optional.

Sample JSON Config file

A sample Madhava JSON config file is provided below :

"listener_ip" : "",
"listener_port" : 10038,
"madhava_name" : "madhava_useast1",
"service_hostname" : "madhava-useast1.local",
"service_port" : 10038,
"cloud_type" : "aws",

"shyama_hosts" : [ "shyama1.local" ],
"shyama_ports" : [ 10037 ],
"shyama_secret" : "This is a secret",

"postgres_hostname" : "db1.local",
"postgres_port" : 10040,
"postgres_user" : "postgres",
"postgres_password" : "dbPassword",
"postgres_storage_days" : 3

Explanation of above sample config

In the above sample config, the madhava server will listen on port 10038, with other Gyeeta componenets such as Partha Host Agents and other Madhava servers connecting to this Madhava instance at madhava-useast1.local:10038.

The Madhava instance will connect to Shyama server at shyama1.local:10037.

The Madhava instance will connect to remote Postgres DB db1.local:10040 as postgres user with password as dbPassword and with max history of 3 days.