Gyeeta Kubernetes Helm Charts
Gyeeta components can be installed in Kubernetes Cluster environments using Helm Charts.
Gyeeta Helm Charts install the various components in the following way :
- Shyama Central Server is installed as a Statefulset along with its corresponding Postgres DB as a side container
- Madhava Intermediate Server is installed as a Statefulset along with its corresponding Postgres DB as a side container
- Partha Host Agents are installed as a Daemonset as Partha needs to be installed on each host
- Node Webserver is installed as a Deployment
- Alert Action Agent is installed as a Deployment
- Kubernetes 1.19+
- Helm 3.2.0+
- PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure
Gyeeta Components Helm Charts
Gyeeta components Helm Chart Description lnks are given below. Readers are advised to install the Helm Charts in the sequence as shown below :
Gyeeta also provides a separate Helm Chart for Postgres DB component though it is recommended not to install a separate Postgres DB. Instead the Shyama server and Madhava Servers will automatically install a PostgresDB container alongside the server container.