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Node Webserver Installation

Network Connectivity Requirements

Node Webserver connects to Shyama Central server and all Madhava server instances.

Firewall rules must allow inbound access to the Node Webserver on the configured Listener port (default port is 10039).

Installation Instructions

Different Install Options exist :

Except for Kubernetes installs, please ensure that the the Node Webserver Config file in env file format and optional User-Password Mapping file in JSON format are ready as per Node Webserver Config.

Install using Shell script

Users can download a shell script that takes care of the installation and configuration of the Webserver instance.


Before installing the Webserver, users need to create a config file as per the Node Webserver Config.

curl -o /tmp/ -s

# Then run the install script as :
# sudo bash /tmp/ <Path to nodewebserver Config file in bash env format>

# Example Install Command (Please configure the /tmp/nodewebserver.env config file first) :

sudo bash /tmp/ /tmp/nodewebserver.env

The install script SHA256 can be checked before installing. The SHA256 of the install script is available at SHA256 file

Stopping/Starting/Uninstalling the Node Webserver

Command to stop the Node Webserver

sudo systemctl stop gyeeta-nodewebserver

Command to start the Node Webserver

sudo systemctl start gyeeta-nodewebserver

Command to uninstall Node Webserver

sudo systemctl disable gyeeta-nodewebserver; sudo apt-get remove gyeeta-nodewebserver

Install using Kubernetes Helm Chart

Kubernetes 1.19 or higher is needed along with Helm v3.

Refer to Node Webserver Helm Chart for a detailed explanation on installing to Kubernetes.

A short explanation is shown below :

helm repo add gyeeta
helm repo update
helm show values gyeeta/nodewebserver > /tmp/nodewebserver.yaml

# Thereafter you can edit the /tmp/nodewebserver.yaml file if you need to change any option.
# After editing the /tmp/nodewebserver.yaml, install the nodewebserver Helm chart using :

helm install --namespace gyeeta --create-namespace nodewebserver1 gyeeta/nodewebserver -f /tmp/nodewebserver.yaml

Running as a Docker container

An env config file needs to be created first as per Node Webserver Config

In the example command below, /tmp/nodewebserver.env config file has already been created on the main host.

The docker container will only run under userid 1001 and groupid 1001.

docker run -td --rm --name gyeetawebserver --read-only --user 1001:1001 -p 10039:10039 --env CFG_ENV=/tmp/nodewebserver.env -v /tmp/nodewebserver.env:/tmp/nodewebserver.env:ro

Install using native rpm or deb packages

Gyeeta native rpm or deb packages are available. The install is to be followed by Node Webserver configuration.

curl | sudo gpg --yes --dearmor --output /usr/share/keyrings/gyeeta-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/gyeeta-keyring.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gyeeta.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y gyeeta-nodewebserver

Node Webserver Configuration post Installation

After the deb or rpm package has been installed, the nodewebserver config file /opt/gyeeta/nodewebserver/.env needs to be edited as per Node Webserver Config.

Start nodewebserver after editing the .env

# After editing the /opt/gyeeta/nodewebserver/.env config file

sudo systemctl start gyeeta-nodewebserver
sudo systemctl enable gyeeta-nodewebserver

Stopping/Starting/Uninstalling the Node Webserver

Command to stop the Node Webserver

sudo systemctl stop gyeeta-nodewebserver

Command to start the Node Webserver

sudo systemctl start gyeeta-nodewebserver

Command to uninstall Node Webserver

sudo systemctl disable gyeeta-nodewebserver; sudo apt-get remove gyeeta-nodewebserver

Manual Tar Package install

If none of the above options can be used to install the Gyeeta nodewebserver component, a manual tarball extract and configure can be used to install.

Example Install Command

mkdir ~/gyeeta
cd ~/gyeeta
curl -L$( curl -s | grep tag_name | awk -F\" '{print $4}' )/nodewebserver.tar.gz | tar xzf -
cd ./nodewebserver

# Thereafter edit the .env Node Webserver config file and then start the Webserver as

./ start

Connecting to the Webserver using a browser

After the installation runs successfully, users can access the Web UI by pointing their browsers to

http://<Hostname or IP of Webserver host>:<Webserver Listener port>

The login name/password to be used to authenticate users can be any of the configured ones specified in the CFG_USERPASSFILE file in nodewebserver .env file or if CFG_ADMINPASSWORD is specified in which case the username would be admin.

The Node Webserver is by default an HTTP server. Users can configure the Web Server to use HTTPS by providing the TLS certificates, or change the HTTP port by editing the .env config and restarting gyeeta-nodewebserver.

Node Webserver Failover / Redundancy

Node Webserver servers can be setup for Multi Node High Availablity by installing 2 or more instances of Node Webservers.

Please refer to Failover for further details.