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TL;DR Quick Server Installation

Gyeeta provides a single command TLDR Quick Install method to install all Server Components with no other configuration requirements. This provides a very quick way to install the Gyeeta server components on a single host.


The TL;DR script will install the native deb/rpm packages and only work on Linux distributions supporting these native package formats. For other environments, users will need to use other install methods such as Docker containers, Kubernetes Helm Charts or manual tarball extraction.

This script also requires Internet access so that the required packages can be downloaded.

The components that will be installed on a single host as part of this script are :

Users will then need to install Partha Agents on all hosts which need to be monitored.

The TLDR Quick Install will not install any Failover (High Availability) Components and if required, users will need to install the Failover instances separately as per the Failover Handling link.

Inputs needed for TLDR Quick Install script

  • Postgres DB Data directory path which should have adequate Free Disk Space (minimum 10 GB)
  • Postgres DB postgres user Password string which will be the DB password
  • Web UI admin user Password string which will be used as a password for logging using a Web Browser or REST APIs

Command to run the TLDR Quick Install Script

Sample Command for TLDR Quick Install

curl -o /tmp/ -s && \
sudo bash /tmp/ /opt/gyeeta/postgresdb/data dbPassword adminPassword

Please substitute the appropriate DB dir path, DB postgres user password needed and Web UI admin user password in the above command before running it in your environment.

Note in the above command, the DB Data dir specified (/opt/gyeeta/postgresdb/data) will be created if it does not exist.

Please ensure that the DB Data dir has adequate Free Disk Space. Please refer to Madhava Postgres Disk Space Requirements.

The install script SHA256 can be checked before installing. The SHA256 of the install script is available at SHA256 file.


The above command will not install the Partha Host Agent. Users need to run the Partha Installs using any of the supported Partha Install mechanisms.

The TLDR Quick Install script will also create a sample Partha Config file which can be used as an input Config file for the Partha installs.

Users can skip all subsequent sections pertaining to Installation of Gyeeta Server components and Alert Agent.

Network and Firewall Requirements

The server components installed by the TLDR Quick Install script will listen on the following ports :

  • Shyama Server on port 10037
  • Madhava Server on port 10038
  • Node Webserver on port 10039

Firewall rules must allow inbound access for these 3 ports.

The Postgres DB will listen on port 10040. If this host Postgres DB will also be used by Madhava servers installed on other hosts, then external hosts inbound access to port 10040 will need to be allowed.

Partha Host Monitors will connect to both Shyama (port 10037) and Madhava (port 10038) and the Webserver will be connected to from Browsers to access the Web UI.

Also, the Hostname of the host on which the TLDR script is run will need to be resolved from external hosts. In other words, the hostname needs to be a cluster wide valid hostname.

If Alert Actions (Notifications) need to access an external Server on the Internet, say a PagerDuty or Slack server, then Internet access will be needed from this Install Host as well.

Connecting to the Gyeeta Webserver using a browser

After the TL;DR install script runs successfully, users can access the Web UI by pointing their browsers to

http://<Hostname or IP of TLDR server>:10039

The login username to be used is admin and the password would be the password specified while running the TLDR script. In the above sample command, adminPassword was the password specified.

Gyeeta Node Webserver is by default an HTTP server and listening on default port 10039. Users can configure the Web Server to use HTTPS by providing the TLS certificates, or change the HTTP port by editing the /opt/gyeeta/nodewebserver/.env config and restarting gyeeta-nodewebserver.

Max Number of Monitored Hosts

The TLDR Quick Install script only installs a single instance of Madhava Intermediate Server. This implies that the maximum number of Monitored Hosts that can be monitored will be limited by the CPU and Memory specs of the host on which the TLDR Quick Install script is run.

It is recommended that the TLDR Quick Install script be run on a host with adequate CPU and RAM specs as per the max Monitored Hosts in your environment.

A single Madhava instance can monitor upto 50 monitored hosts for a smaller host with 2 CPU cores and 4 GB RAM whereas a host with with 16 cores and 64 GB RAM can monitor upto 400 monitored hosts.

In case more number of Monitored Hosts are expected, other instances of Madhava need to be installed either on same host or some other host.

Stopping/Starting/Uninstalling the Quick Install components

Postgres DB

The gyeeta-postgresdb component is installed at /opt/gyeeta/postgresdb.

Command to stop the Postgres DB
sudo systemctl stop gyeeta-postgresdb
Command to start the Postgres DB
sudo systemctl start gyeeta-postgresdb

Command to uninstall Gyeeta PostgresDB

sudo systemctl disable gyeeta-postgresdb; sudo apt-get remove gyeeta-postgresdb

Shyama Server

The gyeeta-shyama component is installed at /opt/gyeeta/shyama. The Shyama logs can be accessed at /opt/gyeeta/shyama/log/shyama.log.

To change the Shyama settings, users can edit the /opt/gyeeta/shyama/cfg/shyama_main.json config file.

Command to stop the Shyama Server
sudo systemctl stop gyeeta-shyama
Command to start the Shyama Server
sudo systemctl start gyeeta-shyama

Command to uninstall Shyama Server

sudo systemctl disable gyeeta-shyama; sudo apt-get remove gyeeta-shyama

Madhava Server

The gyeeta-madhava component is installed at /opt/gyeeta/madhava. The Madhava logs can be accessed at /opt/gyeeta/madhava/log/madhava.log.

To change the Madhava settings, users can edit the /opt/gyeeta/madhava/cfg/madhava_main.json config file.

Command to stop the Madhava Server
sudo systemctl stop gyeeta-madhava
Command to start the Madhava Server
sudo systemctl start gyeeta-madhava

Command to uninstall Madhava Server

sudo systemctl disable gyeeta-madhava; sudo apt-get remove gyeeta-madhava

Node Webserver

The gyeeta-nodewebserver component is installed at /opt/gyeeta/nodewebserver.

To change the Webserver settings such as the Webserver port or admin password, users can edit the /opt/gyeeta/nodewebserver/.env env file.

Command to stop the Node Webserver
sudo systemctl stop gyeeta-nodewebserver
Command to start the Node Webserver
sudo systemctl start gyeeta-nodewebserver

Command to uninstall Node Webserver

sudo systemctl disable gyeeta-nodewebserver; sudo apt-get remove gyeeta-nodewebserver

Alert Agent

The gyeeta-alertaction component is installed at /opt/gyeeta/alertaction.

To change the Alert Agent settings, users can edit the /opt/gyeeta/alertaction/.env env file.

Command to stop the Alert Agent
sudo systemctl stop gyeeta-alertaction
Command to start the Alert Agent
sudo systemctl start gyeeta-alertaction

Command to uninstall Alert Agent

sudo systemctl disable gyeeta-alertaction; sudo apt-get remove gyeeta-alertaction