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Alert Action Agent Helm Chart

Alert Agent can be installed in Kubernetes Cluster environments using Helm Charts.

The Alert Agent is installed as a Deployment with a default Replica Count as 1.


  • Kubernetes 1.19+
  • Helm 3.2.0+

Install Instructions

The steps to install the Alert Agent Helm chart are :

  • Add Gyeeta Repo to Helm
  • Fetch and edit the values.yaml for the Alert Agent chart
  • Install the Alert Agent chart with the edited values

helm repo add gyeeta
helm repo update
helm show values gyeeta/alertaction > /tmp/alertaction.yaml

# Thereafter you can edit the /tmp/alertaction.yaml file if you need to change any option.
# After editing the /tmp/alertaction.yaml, install the Alert Agent Helm chart using :

helm install --namespace gyeeta --create-namespace alertaction1 gyeeta/alertaction -f /tmp/alertaction.yaml

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall the Alert Agent deployment say alertaction1 as per command above :

helm uninstall alertaction1

Alert Agent Chart Parameters

The default Chart config can be obtained using the command :

helm show values gyeeta/alertaction > /tmp/alertaction.yaml

Then users can edit the /tmp/alertaction.yaml file.

Mandatory parameters to provide

The following are the mandatory parameters which users need to provide while installing the chart either using the --set CLI option or by editing the yaml values in the file saved (for example, the /tmp/alertaction.yaml file in the command above) :

  • alertaction_config.shyama_hosts
  • alertaction_config.shyama_ports

The Helm chart install will fail if these parameters are not provided. Explanation about these parameters are given below.

Alert Action Agent Config parameters

NameDescriptionData TypeDefault Value
alertaction_config .shyama_hostsShyama Service Domains : Specify one or more Shyama Service Names (e.g., [ "shyama1-headless" ])Array[]
alertaction_config .shyama_portsShyama Service Ports : Specify one or more Shyama Service Ports (e.g., [ 10037 ])Array[]

Other parameters

NameDescriptionData TypeDefault Value
nameOverrideSet a new name if you want to override the release name usedString""
fullnameOverrideSet a new name if you want to override the fullname usedString""
clusterDomainDefault Kubernetes cluster domainStringcluster.local
resources.requestsResource RequestsObject{}
resources.limitsResource LimitsObject{}
hostAliasespod host aliases for /etc/hostsArray[]
affinityAffinity constraint for pod schedulingObject{}
podAffinityPresetPod affinity preset. Ignored if affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hardString""
podAntiAffinityPresetPod anti-affinity preset. Ignored if affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hardStringsoft
nodeAffinityPreset.typeNode affinity preset. Ignored if affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hardString""
nodeAffinityPreset.keyNode label key to match. Ignored if affinity is set.String""
nodeAffinityPreset.valuesNode label values to match. Ignored if affinity is set.Array[]
replicaCountNumber of replicasNumber1
serviceAccount.createCreate ServiceAccountBooleanfalse